Sunday, August 9, 2009


Can we even begin to talk about the real notion of ending poverty? I'm in search of genuine dialogue with someone willing to speak without the filter of their fears and trepidations spilling out perverting, and preventing who they really are. As I've become immersed in the culture of ending poverty and its ugly hold on people suffering, it has become abundantly clear that it will not go away easily. I'm truly amazed at the level of self-hatred being expressed by some of those who live each day in the "middle class" intent on keeping someone else down. You heard me right...self-hatred. I know on the surface it appears that they make legitimate arguments as to why people find themselves in the clutches of poverty, but as you peel away at the layers of pain, we find the real culprit of their retort lurking like a thief in the night. Yes, some unspoken hurt, anguish, disappointment, or tragedy that they have failed to face relives its self moment after moment, parsing the words and actions of the disenfranchised. They run from the true perpetrator of their implosion and deflect attention away by spewing mean-spirited assaults on the character of those less fortunate than they. I want to have this dialogue with you, but only after you begin the recovery process toward finding the true essence of mankind, living, loving, letting, and helping all people find their way without accusations and ridicule. Ending poverty is within our grasp, if we see ourselves as we are-Connected.